Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Date With A Teen Angel

High school memories....

I picked her up at her house.  She was gorgeous!  She was wearing a satin mauve-colored dress.  Her blonde hair was frizzy and thick, long and tall, in 80s-style perfection.  She was tall and thin, a classic beauty, like a young Michelle Pfeiffer.  I was wearing a tan corduroy sport coat, light blue shirt, dark brown pants, and a dark brown tie with light blue specks.  I was tall and thin, a classic geek, my thick, wavy hair giving me a Greg Brady vibe.  You know, like the Brady Bunch.  Groovy.

I was well out of my league with the beautiful Lynne.  We were friends from church.  She went to a private high school, while I went to a public school.  There was a mutual attraction, but she could've dated any guy she wanted.  I didn't understand why she said yes to my invitation to go to the dance at my school, but I was excited.  There was no other girl at my school like her!

We left her parent's place and headed back to my house.  I had no money to be able to take her out to dinner, so Mom volunteered to make us a lasagna meal.  As soon as we walked in, Dad had the video camera running.  I was mortified.  Dad had this way about him that could totally embarrass both me and Lynne.  He teased us, made fun of me, and I just wanted to get out of there. Typical teen angst.  Dad took a bunch of pictures of us in the standard poses, then we ate.  My sister and brother, mostly out of sight, definitely made enough noise for us to know they were there.  I had never brought a date over to the house before, so this was a unique situation.  Dinner was served, and we ate with my parents.  I was mostly quiet, too unnerved to want to talk with my parents there with us.  Lynne was great and took it all in stride.  She really was awesome.

We finally said goodbye, and we headed out in my Olds SportOmega.  It was an ugly car, but I loved it.  We arrived at the school super early, so I decided to take a little drive.  It was already dark, and the road we were on would take us way out into the boonies.  It was a rural area, and I really had innocent intentions, but a couple of buddies of mine, who were already at the school and saw my car skip past the school parking lot entrance, figured I was looking for a place to "park."  They didn't know me as well as I hoped.  I wouldn't have had the nerve to do something like that, especially with Lynne, who wore her love of Christ on her sleeve.  We certainly had that in common.  My reputation as a goody-two-shoes was in no danger of being tarnished.

We drove a few miles down the road, through a very scenic area, but since it was dark, and there were no streetlights, you couldn't see anything.  After driving around for about 15 minutes, which I'm sure had poor Lynne wondering why I had bothered wasting our time, we headed back to the school.  There were a bunch of cars in the parking lot, so I felt comfortable enough going in.  We found a table that some friends had captured and we tried to make small talk with them.  I introduced Lynne to everyone.  She didn't know anybody.  It was entirely too loud, both with everyone yelling and with loud music, so small talk wasn't working very well.  A slow song finally started and I asked Lynne to dance.  It was nice to finally break the ice, and I felt like I was floating on air.  I was so enamored by Lynne.  As far as I was concerned, she was the most beautiful woman in the world.  I have never felt like that with anyone else except my wife.  She danced very elegantly, and we held hands with the back of her hand resting on my shoulder, and my other hand on her waist, and her other hand around the back of my neck.  She played with the back of my hair.  We stared into each other's eyes.  She smiled at me.  I smiled at her.  It was an amazing moment.

The slow song ended, and Robert Palmer's "I Didn't Mean To Turn You On" began playing.  I was prepared to sit that one out, but Lynne began to dance.  And I mean, Really Dance.  I had no talent for dancing.  I was all legs and I probably looked like a spastic ostrich.  I had never "fast danced" with anyone, ever.  I had no idea what I was doing.  Lynne was incredible.  She had moves.  She looked amazing, as she swayed her hips and moved her body to the beat, with her arms in the air.  As great as the previous moment had been with the slow song, I was fast becoming self-conscious of my own body.  When the song ended, I quickly led Lynne back to our table.  I was looking for any excuse to divert her attention to something other than train wreck she had just witnessed.  But soon, she was anxious to get back on the dance floor.  Lynne was a party girl, I quickly learned.  So I did my best to keep up.  Whew, what a night.  I did more dancing that night than I ever have since, combined!  She loved to dance.  I was getting a workout, and starting to sweat.  Lynne never seemed to tire.  She looked so angelic, so...perfect.  She really knew how to make herself look great and carried herself well.

The dance was starting to wind down, and they played one more slow song.  I have no idea what song it was, but the dance was awesome.  Lynne had made quite an impression on me, and I had been giving her my best Richie Cunningham impression, which was apparently working well for me.  She seemed really happy, and she told me she had a great time.  We kissed.  Just a light peck, but it was enough to send me to the moon and back.  The song ended, and we said goodbye to my friends.  Then we headed back to the car and I drove her home.

She invited me in.  And we went to her bedroom, which was so her.  It was perfectly arranged, just like what a popular, well-adjusted, beautiful teenage girl would have.  She sat on the bed with her dress spread out all around her.  She was so beautiful.  She showed me her school's yearbook, and we chatted for about 30 minutes (with her bedroom door OPEN the whole time).  She was a cheerleader, something I didn't know.  Wow, I thought....I went out with a cheerleader!  We then went to the kitchen for a soda, and we visited with her mom.  Then I said goodnight.  She walked me to the door, and we kissed once more.  I didn't stick around to see her face.  I said goodnight and ran to my car.  She waved to me as I backed out of the driveway and headed for home.  It was the greatest date of my life, with the most beautiful date ever....

Have a great evening, everyone!

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