Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back To School Night

Tonight was Back To School Night at daughter Melody's school, and I finally got the chance to meet her teacher.  It was a nice evening, and her teacher had nothing but nice things to say about Melody.  I think she's going to have a great year.  It already looks like she will have less homework than last year.  I'm looking forward to seeing what this year will bring.

Back To School Night is a big deal at the school.  It's apparent that the teachers and staff put a great deal of effort into making the evening a special event, and they put their best foot forward to make it so.  They let parents know in the literature about the event that kids should not be there.  I was disappointed to see that so many parents ignored this request and brought their children anyway.  And it wasn't just single parents, or parents who came without spouses and brought their kids, which may be a challenge finding care for their kids for the evening.  However, couples brought their children, too.  I just don't understand that.  It was very distracting to sit in the cafeteria of the school during the program and hearing kids in the audience making noise, or crying, or not being able to sit still.  Then, after going to the teacher's classrooms, these same kids continued to make noise and carry on.  I found it very disrespectful, and I just don't understand why the parents would do that.  I left my daughter at home purposefully because it was the right thing to do, and I left her home alone, which I hate doing.  I wish everyone would respect the school's wishes.

Anyway, it was nice to connect with Melody's teacher, and I'm looking forward to this school year.


The past two days were spent in a training class with my management team.  There are nine of us, and the time with them, and the things we discussed, were very important in the planning of the future of our organization.  The guys (and it's an all-male team) were very open about what they're going through, and the issues we face on a regular basis were confronted head on and resolved.  It was really great to see them all participate and be engaged, and our employees are in great hands with their leadership.  As their manager, it is also satisfying to see that they have my back, and they support me and my initiatives.  This is an unusual thing in an office environment.  Too often, in the past, I've seen petty things disrupt the unity of a team, and that isn't present in our team.  Things are very much going well.  I'm proud of these guys, and the future of our organization is bright.

Have a great evening, everyone!

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